Webinar N2. COVID-19 & Business

Date and time
Thursday 18th June 2020
18th June 2020 4:30pm JST | 9.30am CET
Event information
- Valérie Moschetti, Chief Operating Officer, European Business Council in Japan (Moderator)
- Gwenole Cozigou, Director, Sustainable Industry & Mobility, DG GROW
- Watanabe Tetsuya , Director General for Trade Ministry of Economy, Trade and Insutry - METI
- Luisa Santos, Deputy Director General, Business Europe
- Uemura Noritsugu, Corporate Executive, Government & External Relations, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation and Sherpa of the Japanese co-chair of the EU-Japan Business Roundtable (BRT)
Restarting the economy, particularly after the impact of COVID-19 on business and employment, is a common challenge for European and Japanese authorities. In this webinar, European and Japanese experts from both the public and the private sector will share experiences on responding to the crisis from managing liquidity to managing disrupted supply chains and teleworking staff. The speakers will also share their views about projections and trends affecting business and SMEs after the outbreak of the pandemic, including on how to assess risks, build resilience and shape business models to better withstand future crises.
The webinar will be in Japanese and English (simultaneous interpretation will be provided). Please be aware that the time and date of the webinar might change due to speakers’ availability. After your registration, you will be informed if there is any change.