Moving from Policy to Action
6th December 2022
This seminar is a key follow-up action to the EU-Japan Summit of 12 May 2022. In the Summit Joint Statement, European Council President Charles Michel, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and Japan’s Prime Minister Fumio Kishida committed to making progress in promoting trusted, secure, sustainable, comprehensive and rules-based connectivity through the implementation of the Partnership on Sustainable Connectivity and Quality Infrastructure between the EU and Japan (‘Connectivity Partnership’). The purpose of the seminar is to find concrete ways forward to operationalise the Connectivity Partnership between Japan and EU, in particular through the identification of specific projects for cooperation. The seminar is expected to produce tangible outcomes for the upcoming EU-Japan Strategic Partnership Agreement Joint Committee meeting and the next bilateral Summit in 2023.
Event outline
Date / Time: 6th December 2022 | 16:00-19:00 JST / 08:00-11:00 CET
Format of the Seminar: Hybrid
On-site: Europa House (Auditorium) - EU Delegation, 4-6-28 Minami-Azabu, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0047
On-line: Zoom platform
Interpretation: ​There will be simultaneous interpretation (English – Japanese – English)
EU: EEAS, DG INTPA, DG NEAR, EIB, EBRD, other European Commission services
Japan: MOFA, METI, JICA, JBIC, NEXI, JETRO and other Ministries
EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation
EU Member States Embassies
Seminar Proceedings: ​
Opening remarks will be provided by Mr. Jean-Eric Paquet, Ambassador of the European Union to Japan, who will moderate the event and Mr. Masashi Nakagome, Director-General of the European Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan. Each will have 5 minutes.
Presentations on key policies related to connectivity: 15 minutes focused on EU Policies – The Global Gateway and 15 minutes focused on Japan.
Sessions with regional focus: each session will have a duration of 40 minutes, involving 5 Speakers (5 minutes each) and a brief discussion.
Conclusion and the way forward for 20 minutes.
Seminar agenda: