Thematic Workshop: Equal participation and leadership
Wednesday 9th - Thursday 10th, November

Both in Europe and in Japan, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on women’s lives and rights has been disproportionate, and poor working women have borne the lion’s share. The effects have been visible in terms of loss of livelihoods and jobs, increased levels of GBV at the workplace, loss of rights and entitlements (the right to land, to productive assets, to inheritance and property, among others).
For these reasons, the European Union (EU) and Japan have placed gender equality, women’s and youth empowerment as key policy priorities in their policy agenda.
This event is part of the Project for Enhancing Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment in and with Japan in the Post-Pandemic Era, with the objective to mainstream gender equality in Japanese policies.
For that purpose, key stakeholders from the EU and Japan, from political parties, governments, business, and civil society organisations that lead discussions and make policies to promote women's leadership and participation will be invited as speakers to share and give insights on the topic.
Event outline
Date and times: 9 and 10 November, from 16:30 JST (Japan) /8:30 CST (Europe) to 19:00 JST (Japan) /11:00 CST (Europe).
Venue: Zoom Platform
Format: Full online format
Interpretation: Simultaneous (English - Japanese)
Organized by: The Delegation of the EU to Japan
Discussion points:
What are some of the main barriers/obstacles preventing women from equally participating in politics and access to leadership roles (political and economic)? What strategies and approaches have been effective to tackle these barriers, including resistance to gender equality?
Which actions/initiatives have been helpful to improve the gender equality situation in your area/sector?
Which tools/instruments need to be developed to monitor progress towards enhanced gender equality and intersectionally inclusive results?
What lessons and best/promising practices can Europe share to support/strengthen Japan’s work towards achieving gender equality and women’s political and economic participation in the context of its post-pandemic recovery efforts?
Day 1: "Promoting gender equality, diversity and women’s leadership in politics with rural inclusion​"
Day 2: "Promoting gender equality and diversity in the economy and the business world"